The Finance Act, 2015
amended Section 6 (Capital Account Transaction), Section 46 (Power of Central
Government to make rules) and section 47 (Power of RBI to make regulations) of
the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA, 1999). These amendments have
the effect of altering the powers of the Central Government and Reserve Bank of
India (RBI).
In terms of amended provisions of FEMA, the Central Government has made Foreign Exchange Management (Non-Debt Instruments) Rules, 2019 ("NDI Rules") on October 17, 2019 superseding the erstwhile Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer of Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) Regulations, 2017 ("TISPRO") and the Foreign Exchange Management (Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India) Regulations, 2018, whereas RBI has notified Foreign Exchange Management (Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019 superseding TISPRO, and the Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) Regulations, 2019, which provides for reporting requirements in relation to any investment made under the NDI Rules.
The foreign
investments allowed to be received from different types of investors including
Foreign Portfolio Investors registered with the SEBI under SEBI (FPI)
Regulations, 2014
In this article we
have encapsulated provisions dealing with investment by Foreign Portfolio
Investors under the NDI rules.
Acquisition of equity
instruments/other securities/units by FPI
“FPI” or “Foreign
Portfolio Investor” means a person registered in accordance with the provisions
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign Portfolio Investors)
Regulations, 2014.
Under Rule 10 read with
Schedule II of NDI Rules permit FPIs to invest in listed entities in equity
instruments as well as other identified securities. The provisions regulating
the investment by FPI have been captured under Chapter IV of NDI Rules which inter-alia
prescribed that FPI may:
- Purchase
equity instruments of an Indian company which is listed or to be listed on a
recognised Stok exchange.
- Purchase
units of domestic mutual funds or Category III Alternative Investment Fund or
offshore fund for which no objection is issued in accordance with the SEBI
(Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996, which in turn invest more than 50 percent in
equity instruments on repatriation basis subject to the terms and conditions
specified by the SEBI and the Reserve Bank.
- Trade
or invest in all exchange traded derivative contracts approved by SEBI from
time to time subject to the limits specified by SEBI and in compliance of conditions
prescribed in Schedule II of NDI Rules.
- Purchase,
hold, or sell Indian Depository Receipts (IDRs) of companies’ resident outside
India and issued in the Indian capital market, in the manner and subject to the
terms and conditions as prescribed in Schedule X of the NDI Rules.
- Purchase
equity instruments of an Indian company through public offer or private
placement, subject to prescribed limit and in compliance of pricing conditions
as prescribed under Schedule II.
Permitted Aggregate Holding by a FPIs
The pertinent change in
NDI Rules, regulating investment by FPIs is that the default aggregate investment
limits in an Indian company is the applicable sectoral cap, as laid out in
Schedule I. Unlike the erstwhile the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or
Issue of Security by a Person Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2017, where
the aggregate limit of FPI was upto 24%, with the company being provided the
option of enhancing the limits to the applicable sectoral cap.
Ø Until
March 31,2020 the total holdings of all FPIs put together (including any other
direct and indirect foreign investments in the Indian Company permitted under
the NDI Rules) in an Indian Company is not permitted to exceed 24% of the paid
up equity capital on a fully diluted basis or paid up value of each series of
debentures or preference shares or share warrants (except if the ceiling has
been raised to sectoral cap or statutory ceiling by the board or shareholders
of the company).This is in line with the framework that was prescribed under
Ø Under the NDI Rules, from April 01, 2020 the
aggregate limit will automatically be deemed to be the sectoral cap as
contained in the NDI Rules without the requirement to pass any board or shareholders
resolutions. The aggregate limit can be decreased by the Indian company to a
lower limit of 24%, 49% or 74% as deemed fit, with the approval of its board
and shareholders (by way of a special resolution) before March
31,2020.Similarly, where an Indian company has decreased its aggregate limit as
mentioned above ,it may increase such aggregate limit to 49% or 74% or the
sectoral cap or statutory ceiling as deemed fit, with the approval of its board
or shareholders(by way of a special resolution).However, once the aggregate
limit has been increased the Indian company cannot reduce it to a lower
Purchase or sale of
securities other than equity instruments by FPIs
FPI can now invest in:
- Units of domestic mutual funds Category
III Alternative Investment Funds offshore fund for which no objection is issued
under the SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996 and which in turn invests more
than 50% in equity instruments on repatriation basis.
- Units of real estate investment trusts and
infrastructure investment trusts on repatriation basis subject to the terms and
conditions specified by SEBI.
Transfer of equity instruments of an Indian company by FPI (Automatic route)
FPI may transfer equity instrument/s of Indian company or unit in compliance of conditions as prescribed by SEBI and those as specified in the schedules under NDI Rules. However, the government approval would be required in case:
- Transfer of equity instruments of company engaged in a sector which requires the Government approval.
- Acquisition of equity instruments by FPI made under Schedule II of these rules has resulted in a breach of the applicable aggregate FPI limits or sectoral limits.
Closing Note:
- In case, two or more FPI’s including
foreign Governments/their related entities are having common ownership,
directly or indirectly, of more than fifty percent or common control, all such
FPI’s shall be treated as forming part of an investor group. Control includes
the right to appoint majority of the directors or to control the management or
policy decisions exercisable by a person or persons acting individually or in
concert, directly or indirectly, including by virtue of shareholding or
management rights or shareholders agreements or voting agreements or in any
other manner.
- If FPI’s investment breach the prescribed
limits as discussed above, FPI shall have an option to of divesting their
holdings within 5 trading days from the date of settlement of the trades causing
the breach, failing which the entire investment by FPI and its investor group
would be considered as the FDI and they will not be allowed to make investment
in concerned entity as a FPI.
- The FPI, through its designated custodian,
shall bring the same to the notice of the
depositories as well as the concerned company for effecting necessary
changes in their records, within -seven trading days from the date of
settlement of the trades causing the breach .
- In case of breach of investment limits by
an FPI, the divestment of holdings by the FPI and the reclassification of FPI
investment as foreign direct investment shall be subject to further conditions,
if any, specified by the Securities and Exchange Board of India and RBI, in
this regard.
This Article has been Compiled by Deepika Sharma (Senior Associate)
The contents of this article should not
be construed as legal opinion. This article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your
specific circumstances. We expressly disclaim any financial or other
responsibility arising due to any action taken by any person on the basis of
this article.